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Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Poker Hands

The rank of a hand is measured by its rarity. The rarer a hand is, meaning the less likely it is to occur, the more it is worth, and the more other hands it can beat. A royal flush, e.g., is very rare. It is hence the strongest hand a player can have.

A hand can beat another hand when it has a higher rank. In case two hands have the same rank, the value of the cards determines who wins. The cards with the highest rank are used to determine the value. Suits do not have any value.

  • Royal Flush - Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace in one suit.
  • Straight Flush - Five connected cards in one suit. In case there are two straight flushes, the straight flush with the higher valued cards wins.
  • Quads - Four cards of a kind. If there are two quads, the quad with the higher valued cards wins. In case both have the same value, the value of the fifth card, the side card, determines the winner.
  • Full House - Three of a kind and a pair. If there are two full houses, the one with the highest three of a kind wins. In case the three of a kind are equal, the one with the highest pair wins.
  • Flush - Five cards of the same suit. In case there are two flushes, the one with the higher valued cards wins. The suit does not matter as suits do not have a value.
  • Straight - Five consecutive cards. If there are two straights, the one with the higher ranked cards wins.
  • Three of a kind - Three cards of the same rank. If there are two three of a kind, the one with the higher ranked cards wins. If they are both the same, the rank of the two side cards determines the winner.
  • Two Pair - Two pair. If two two pairs compete, the one with the higher ranked pairs wins.
  • Pair - Two of a kind. If two pairs compete, the one with the higher ranked pair wins. In case the pair is the same, the rank of the three side cards determines the winner.
  • High Card - If there was neither a pair nor a hand better than the other, the rank of the highest cards determine the winner.

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